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Nico Freti

Artist, Trainer counselor, Existential Analyst

The world of images is close to the dimension of the unconscious. It reveals a profound knowledge. We need to be in contact with the internal images. The practice of art is a way of going from the opaque to the light. The artist starts from the darkness in search of light. Consciousness is light. The surface, the canvas, the white sheet are the ideal mirror to re-reflect, turn your gaze back towards yourself and illuminate what is in the shadow. 


Light as a central element of my work. A long experience in personal research and a passion for art have led me to understand the importance of creative thinking in self-care, in relationships with others, in change. I manage individual meetings and art workshops. I am a founding member of the Bergamo Self-Care School. I teach practices related to the world of Dreams, Mindfulness, Art and Counseling. I am on a journey, sharing the discoveries encountered along this road seems to me to be the most beautiful and sensible thing I can do.



Light art sull'acqua_edited_edited.jpg
The human being transforms ingredients into a cake, bricks into a house, kicking a ball into a match, a disease into recovery, a state of mind into a way of being. He transforms strokes into a drawing, color into a painting, wooden planks into a chair, words into a story. Transform a conversation into a significant moment, an emotion into a gesture, a tree into a sheet of paper, a sheet into a possibility, hours of emptiness into moments of grace.
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